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Showing posts with the label wellbeing

Mental Health knows no boundaries

  Mental health is a talking point that has been prominent in the media of late, but is something that has been affecting the day to day lives of millions of people in the UK for many years. With people starting to talk more openly about their own mental health issues, how it has impacted them and the steps that they’re taking to improve their well-being, we’re finally seeing the stigma surrounding mental health begin to improve significantly. However, despite this, we’re still seeing many people struggle, both inside and out of the workplace. We understand that discovering the right path to take to improve your mental health situation can be a tough journey to go through, and harder still to stay on the right track and follow it through, but you’re not alone… From students to sports stars, retail workers to business owners, we’re all susceptible to mental health issues. Even social media influencers, such as Instagram phenomenon, Mrs Hinch, are starting to address the grip of ment...

End of the pandemic or may be the start of a more worrying one.........

  There is no question that COVID-19 has thrown us all into a spiral of uncertainty and fear, removing our core day to day activities, interactions and most importantly relationships. Even the most extrovert of us will admit to changes in our behaviours and notice forms of social anxiety reaching us. As time has begun to take its toll hitting a 12-month anniversary of our first lockdown experience, many of us will admit to not making that call to a family member, friend, colleague as “I have nothing to talk about” so frequently comes into our heads. Or the fear of only having something ‘negative’ to say, financial worries, health concerns, the list goes on. . . So, what do we do? Avoid interaction, become more insular. Whether you have struggled with social worries in the past or these feelings are a direct impact of the pandemic, worrying excessively and avoiding interactions will at its worst begin to shrink your life. As we all hope the end is in sight of this latest l...